Tuesday 19 October 2010

Has Frank Darabont lost his technique in Making Stephen King films Over Time

My foucus films for the question are "The shawshank Redemption", "The Green Mile" and "The Mist" What do all these films have in common? Written my the same author and and 3 are directed by the same man. From all the information I have researched the answer would be no. Nearly every review and anaylis of the most recent film "The Mist" 2007 has been all very positive. Everyone loved the twist at the end, everyone loved the story line and everyone loved hwo it was made. But amongst of all of this, the main source I have found that is saying it is not as good as it used to be I Darabont himdlef. I countless interviews I have found he talks about how limiting it is to make horror films, how he regrets how The Mist was put on the screen and wished he couldv'e changed it. He wanted the orginal film to be in black and white but due to people "not wanting to see films like that and put people off" He put the film on the big screen in color and says he wishes he did put it in black and white for that is how it was meant to be seen.

From my point of view, I would say yes, he has lost his technique. "The Shawshank Redepmtion" 1994 is my favorite film of all time. Great story line, great editing and great cinematography. The film is one of Darabont's first and the new ideas and technquies makes it great. The screen play is also wirtten closly to the book and I think this is what makes the film amazing. Then "The Green Mile" 1999 was realeased, same author, same director and even some of the charcters are the same. Like shawshank new techniques are used and the story once again is told fleuently. The interviews I have found about this talk about "making it more of a hollywood style" Which would suggest that Darabont is trying to make his style diffrent to conform to what people like to see within films. Then in 2007 Darabont realsed his first film in almost 10 years "The Mist" I have watched it and was not the best. The Shawshank worked for scenes that needed speacial effects, he worked arond it and hid some brutla parts of the other films which I think worked. But in The Mist he shows EVERYTHING, all the blood and guts and goore and to me that is now a Darabont film. It was just a wanna be Saw film with good acting.


  1. You have shown the different points of view on his films, from the press and yourself, which is good. You have also been able to justify why you think you think in this way and what the director has had to say, which is also very good.

    Well done =D MIDLANDS!

  2. Perhaps the title should now be: How Darabont's films have changed in style to suit changing audience tastes.

    Or is it the studio wants change? What does your research suggest? Do you have the director commenting on thesde changes?
