Power, poverty and conflict are the themes in “A Prophet” and “City Of God”. Both films highlight all these themes in similar ways and are presented in the narrative very differently. “A Prophet” is set in France, and is about a man who has been sent to prison for a minor crime, beating up a policeman. While in prison he soon becomes very heavily part of the main crowd in the prison who runs the place and starts to earn respect. While “City of God” is set in a slum, and is about a boy trying to stay away from the major crime that occurs there, he encounters a number of problems living there and the narrative is told in a non-linear way. Though both films are different in story and culture, the main themes of the film; power, poverty and conflict are very similar.
“A Prophet” focuses on the life in prison of Malik, a young man who goes into trouble for assaulting a prison guard. Early on in the film he runs into trouble with the prisoners with the power and authority they get him to murder and inmate who has just arrived at the prison. This is an example of power and conflict first enters the film. Malik is forced to do something he doesn’t really want to do. If he doesn’t do it, it is his own life on the line instead.
Very similar, “City Of God” also has power and conflict shown early on in the film. Instead of being the inner workings of prisoners in a small building, it is instead, about the power and conflict the government has over the people living in poverty. Like in “A Prophet” Lil Dice (The main hood of the film) is influenced a lot by what the tender trio say. Instead of being forced to crime, he is instead “nurtured” into it. Like “A Prophet”, conflict and power are presented in bother films through a hierarchy, with the people at the top saying what goes, and the main characters at the bottom, with not much of a say in what they can do as individuals. This is presented to the audience in many different ways, and which than as an audience member you can feel sympathy for the characters.
“A Prophet” starts the story of Malik prison life from the begging. The film is presented in a linear way so we can almost grow up with Malik and see how he develops over time. While “City Of God” starts at the end and then goes back to the beginning, so we have a taste of what’s to come and then follow rocket as he grows up in The City of God. The Films show conflict in the boys lives, and how hard it is to live where they are. The characters are both trapped and are trying to get out, but there is no easy way out.
Another point that is brought up in both films is working your way up the hierarchy and into a better standard of life. This can link to both power and poverty. “A Prophet” demonstrates the power of moving up, with having to carry out a task, in this case Malik has to murder a man. This is a main part of the film and happens quite early on. While in “City of God” It is important to move up and make yourself know. Though it is not really highlighted, there is a scene where Lil Zè is out looking for “the runts” and when he does find them he asks a teenager to prove himself as a man and kill one of them. In both films this is represented in the same way. The top of the hierarchy have the power and the people at the other end are in poverty. In the prison it is not so much poverty but more protection. Malik does gain some power and when people ask him why does he work for people he always says that he works for himself and doesn’t need to work for someone. This is another example of how the films are trying to represent the force of power that you can have in your life and you are unable to do anything about it.
Narrative is very different in both films, even though similar messages are very similar. “A Prophet” follows Malik from the begging and no commentary is made. The camera sometimes moves onto other people, but for most of the film it is focused on Malik and there is never any narrating. While in “City of God” It is all from Rockets perceptive and the narration is done by him. This does make a different impact on the film’s themes for there is a different focus. With Malik as the audience you see him as a bit of a weak link following people around, but with Rocket you feel sympathy for he is in a place he can’t get out.
In conclusion, even though both films are set in a very different place and are about different types of crime the main occurring themes in the films; power, poverty and conflict come up over and over again. Even if it is through the top hood of a gang, or the head leader of a prison, both films show how life can be difficult in the countries, and make some inspiring film stories.
You do discuss the similarities and differences and show a good knowledge of both films. Try to develop points a little further to show exactly how power etc is conveyed. Pick out key scenes. Good, encouraging work. Aim for clarity. C/B.